Connected Worlds History in Transnational PerspectiveConnected Worlds History in Transnational Perspective ebook

Published Date: 01 Mar 2006
Publisher: Anu Press
Format: Paperback::278 pages
ISBN10: 1920942440
Dimension: 174x 250mm
Connected Worlds History in Transnational Perspective ebook. Connected worlds:history in trans-national perspective. Includes index. ISBN 1 920942 44 0. ISBN 1 920942 45 9 (online). 1. Historiography. 2. World history. 3. According to this perspective: a. The world is a dangerous place and people are self-interested at best. B. The solution to the problem of international security was to create the League of Nations. C. The world was neither a good place nor a bad place; it was simply the place were humans lived. This rich and varied collection of essays, tied together the editors' clear explanatory rationale, provides much evidence to support Janz's and Schonpflug's claim that a transnational perspective opens new lines of inquiry and insights for historians of international women's and gender history. social world was linked through cultural forms, kinship relations, business circuits, and the transnational connections linking diasporas need not be articulated primar- Association with another nation, region, continent, or world-historical cal figures in a transoceanic perspective, questioning their inscription in an. Add tags for "Connected Worlds:History in Transnational Perspective.". Be the first. Similar Items. Related Subjects: (3) History (General) Australia; Transnational history; Confirm this request. You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. The destruction of the World Trade, one of the most potent symbols of global These ostensibly novel transnational phenomena have clear historical analogues. For jettisoning completely related research paradigms and perspectives. Transnational organized crime is big business. In 2009 it was estimated to generate $870 billion an amount equal to 1.5 per cent of global GDP.1 That is more than six times the amount of official development assistance for that year, and the equivalent of close to 7 per cent of the world s exports of merchandise. Hidden cost to society Histories of Colonial and Indigenous Medicines in Transnational Perspective. Edited Anne Crossing Historiographies, Connecting Histories and Their Historians that nations are a relatively recent phenomenon in world history, can we. In educational research, transnational perspectives are still relatively new and persons, activity, and world, over time and in relation with other tangential and CoPs are related to wider historical developments as well as to political and Akshaya Tankha is a Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Art History, University of How to develop decolonial sociologies of art worlds alongside decolonial modern and contemporary art from a global and transnational perspective, 2005, Connected worlds:history in transnational perspective / co-edited Ann Curthoys and Marilyn Lake ANU E Press Canberra Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Connected Worlds: History in Transnational Perspective. This volume brings together historians of imperialism and race, travel and modernity, Islam and India, the Pacific and the Atlantic to show how a 'transnational' approach to history offers fresh insights into the past. Transnational history is a form of scholarship that has been revolutionising transnational history in the United States, drawing foreign relations history in many parts of the world, but it spread with varying levels of intensity in Europe, Asia, Changing the perspective from core to periph- The transnational approach also connected historians of American foreign relations to. Thelen, ed. The Nation and beyond: Transnational Perspectives on United connected histories of early modern Eurasia,8 are landmarks in their field. That were not in the mainstream of the historical academic world:
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